About Contractors

Breathe Easy: How Roof Ventilation Improves Indoor Air Quality and Health

Roof ventilation. Most homeowners don’t think about it. When a roofing problem or other indoor issue arises, the average homeowner does not consider the possibility of poor roof ventilation as a primary culprit or contributing factor. Ironically, roof ventilation plays a critical role in the overall health and well-being of the home and its occupants.  [...]

Is Fiber Cement Siding Worth The Cost? An Honest Evaluation Of This Newer Siding Material

The materials we use are critical when it comes to the design and structure of our homes and offices. They determine our buildings’ aesthetics and will impact the building’s cost, utility, safety, and overall desirability. A building’s siding might seem insignificant in structural terms, but it plays a vital role as the first thing an [...]

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